Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, December 17, 2017

                                                          Image result for images about taking time for yourself

As we enter our last week before the break please be mindful of monitoring student behavior and reminding students of the SOAR expectations in the classroom, lunchroom, hallways and bathrooms.  Please celebrate student appropriate SOAR behavior with our monthly SOAR bucks, positive praise and a phone call/note home

~December 2oth - Due date for December SOAR sheet for K - 5 students

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hello Staff,
We would like to thank the teachers who have submitted artifacts for our upcoming review. Your support is greatly appreciated.  Please take a moment to review the information below and the updates that have been added this week in the following sections to the right;
    Instructional Coaches Corner
    Mindfulness Corner
    Technology Corner

~As we walk through the halls and visit classrooms, we are noticing all the ways you are engaging your students with some holiday cheer.  Take a peek at some highlights from three classrooms on the third floor.


Last of school before the holiday recess - Friday, December 22nd

Two Useful Articles About the Math Classroom
Avoid common pitfalls when it comes to supporting students with unfinished math learning.

A math teacher shares lessons learned and alternative strategies he has discovered during his teaching career.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Webinar: Upgrading Differentiation in the Elementary Grades
Join Jessica Hockett, coauthor of the new ASCD book Differentiation in the Elementary Grades: Strategies to Engage and Equip All Learners, to explore five commonly adopted practices in elementary classrooms that can impede or prevent true differentiation. In this informative webinar, attendees will gain insights about each of these practices and learn principles and strategies for "upgrading" to more sophisticated applications of differentiation. This session will integrate concrete examples that are applicable to K–5 settings.
Upgrading Differentiation in the Elementary Grades
Thursday, December 7, 2017, 3:00 p.m. eastern time

Presented by Jessica Hockett

Register Now

© Copyright 2017 ASCD
1703 N. Beauregard St. | Alexandria, VA 22311-1714 USA | | 1-800-933-ASCD (2723) 

SOAR Shining Star Staff 

Congratulations to Ms. Tipton and Mr. Pulley for being chosen 
as the SOAR Staff member of the month.
 When you see them, take a moment to thank each of them for all they do to help make School No. 16 a better place to be.
Melissa Tipton
Ms. Tipton is a second grade teacher.  She likes peanut butter and her favorite color is green.

Chad Pulley
Mr. Pulley is a teaching assistant here at School NO. 16 in Mrs. Blanchard's class.  He likes to eat pizza and his favorite color is blue.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Image result for train quotes and sayings
Thank you for your participation at our most recent Superintendent's Conference Day on Friday. We will continue to focus on working towards the schools goals and our new initiatives this year. Please take an opportunity to review our school's goals in the 2017 -18 School SCEP by Clicking Here.

I would like to send a special thank you to our secretarial staff, assistant principals, and all of our presenters for creating a learning environment that provided staff with information, that will support our continued efforts to improve our practices at School No.16.
Hop aboard, don't miss the train, its leaving the station!
Choo, Choo,
Carla Roberts
~Please visit the new "Instructional Coach" Corner posted to the right. In this section you we will provide you articles, strategies and tips for you to use.

~Take a peek at the Technology Corner. I posted information that is timely and relevant on the importance of formative assessments in the classroom. There are plenty of tech tools to check for understanding and fix learning problems in real time (as well as reflect on which teaching approaches are working and which aren’t). Some of the suggestions; we spoke about in our meeting at our Superintendent's Conference Day last week.
Look for the link "Tech Tools to Check for Understanding in Real Time" to the right.