Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Please review the new walk - through focus area and "A Tale of Two Teachers" link to the right.
Have a great week. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Happy Monday,
We encourage you to review all of the SOAR expectations (hallway, bathroom, recess, bus, arrival/dismissal etc.) in your classroom with your students.  Establishing these rituals and routines and revisiting them frequently is important. We appreciate all that you have done to support us and to continue to create a safe and positive working environment.
Please adhere to the NWEA Assessment Schedule. You can find the link to the right of this blog under the "Assessment" section. Have a great week!
                                                    Image result for educational quotes for teachers

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Message from Administration

Hello School No. 16 Staff,
Thank you to all of you for your hard work, patience and support last week.  We look forward to the journey ahead and working together to increase student performance.  Together, we can make a difference!
Please adhere to the "Assessment Schedule" and the PBIS Station Rotation Schedule posted to the right .  Also, please review the Walk-through focus for the next two weeks.
Have a great week,