Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Teacher Quote of the Week:
Image result for Dear teacher la Profesora Frida

Hello Staff'
"Kids don't care how much you know unless they know how much you care." 
 ~Madeleine Hunter 
Please remember the quote above as we enter into what is historically a time when inappropriate student behavior increases. Our past data has shown an increase in referrals for the months of (end of) November, in December, January and in March. The referrals indicate an increase in attention seeking behaviors. Data also shows that students are struggling with challenges that have much to do with the inability to cope with stress and trauma. We ask you to continue to tell your students, particularity the most challenging, how much you care and consistently show them. It is a small gesture that goes a very long way. 

Please review the links below that can assist you: 
Trauma Sensitive Schools 

Children, Violence, and Trauma - Interventions in Schools 

Strategies for teachers: supporting traumatized children 

RTI Tips: 
Now that you have had time to get to know your students’ academic needs better you are most likely looking for specific intervention strategies to implement either in small or whole group. The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RTI process. The chart provides a plethora of research-based intervention strategies that can be used to support tier I, II, and III instruction. 

Please click the link below to access the website to search for interventions in a variety of ways, including but not limited to grade level, content area, and instructional need. 

Connect with our Instructional Coach: 
The primary goal is to improve the educational experience for all in a non - evaluative way. Our Instructional coach is here to help you meet your instructional goals. Our coach works with individuals and small groups of teachers to make instructional decisions that best meet the needs of their students. Our Instructional Coach can: help you plan, co - teach, observe, collect data to improve instruction, collaborate in problem solving a variety of circumstances, and provide useful, helpful, and specific feedback. 

Have a great week, 

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