Instructional Coach Corner

Friday, January 12, 2018

SOAR Staff of the Month

Mrs. Franzese is a first grade teacher.  She likes to eat salad and cheese. Her favorite color is black and she has a pet fish.
She likes to try new things, visit new places, listen to music and spend time with her family. 
If you see Mrs. Franzese, congratulate her on her success at working hard to meet all of her students’ needs and being an integral part of School No. 16’s team!

Mr. McCray is a middle school Math teacher.  He teaches math to students in 7th and 8th grade. His favorite color is blue and he likes to eat pizza. He has a dog named Teddy who he loves very much.  Mr. McCray likes to watch “Game of Thrones” and the “Walking Dead”. If you see this fabulous Math teacher, please congratulate him on how he supports the social and emotional needs of our students and how he is always willing to support School No. 16’s school – wide efforts!

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