Instructional Coach Corner

Monday, January 1, 2018

Welcome back staff,
We hope your had a restful and enjoyable break. 

ALL Classroom Teachers:
Please be sure you have your weekly lesson plans placed on your desk and they are visible.  Admin will periodically review your plans and give your feedback.
As we begin our short week back from our week off, please spend some time to review our PBIS/SOAR classroom and school - wide behavior expectations.  

Please be sure to refer to your school - wide SOAR Handbook that you received at the beginning of the school year.  An electronic copy has been posted under the PBIS/SOAR section of this blog. 

It is imperative that you teach the SOAR expectations included in the handbook.  As we discussed previously, there are suggested lessons noted in the handbook for each expectation. 

Please note when and what SOAR lessons you intend to teach in your weekly plans (this week and next week).  

K - 6 Classrooms Teachers ONLY;
Currently, we are working on the Jan. Station Rotation Schedule. We will send you a copy of that schedule via email.   The rotations will be scheduled during the week of 1.8.17. It is our expectation that you take your class to each station rotation listed. This is not an option.

All Staff;
Thank you for all of your support during our Annual Review. We were very pleased with the feedback we received. We look forward to working together with all of you as we put a plan in place, as we begin to work towards the recommendations that we received. Mrs. Roberts shared the results at our staff breakfast.  She will also provide more feedback to you in the near future.

Have a great week back!

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