Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hello Staff,
~Please review the the Learning Walk, Instructional Tips/Articles (Black Lives Matter at School Information), Instructional Coach and our Mindfulness Sections to the right of our blog, for new updated information and activities.
Please review the school SOAR Expectations with your students this week. The week prior to break is usually a "busy" one!  Also, please be sure to read the email sent out to School 16 last week about our high rate of disciplinary referrals.  Please be sure to review the "Office vs. Classroom" managed behavior chart that was attached to the email.  If you have any questions about that information, please see one of the administrators.
~On February 27th  we will have our K - 6 SOAR Winter Wonderland Carnival.  Information about this event was sent out in an email, a hard copy was placed in your mailbox and more information will be sent out this week (staff support assignments, specials etc.).  
Much of logistics are the same as the School Snow - Ball Dance has been in the past. 
If you have any questions, please see a School Climate Team Member.

Feb. 17th-25th - Winter Break
Feb. 27th - K - 6 SOAR Winter Wonderland Carnival

Have a great week.

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