Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, March 25, 2018


~Thank you to all the staff that supported our students in the creation of their projects for our Annual Project Fair.  They were amazing! The event was a success. Our students and families enjoyed the evening. We would like to send a special thank you to Mrs. Cowles, Ms. White - Spraggins, their students, our custodial staff and the community agencies for all the preparation and work they did to plan this event. 


~Take a peek at the new JWS School No. 16.  Construction is underway!  We were recently featured in the City Newspaper.  Use the link below to read the article titled "Construction nears for School 16".


~On Wednesday our 7th grade students visited Central Office to hear Dr. David Anderson speak about the importance of relationships and how they relate to abolitionists from Rochester, such as Frederick Douglass and Austin Steward.

~Please remember to support our SOAR Hallway Activity and give gold coins to the classes that are demonstrating appropriate hallway behavior.
Thank you to all of our staff who planned and presented on Friday, March  23rd. Please take some time to take a closer look at the school - wide academic and disciplinary data that we shared and reflect on the professional development you participated in. As you take some time to reflect, think about these guided questions;
  • Who are the students that are performing below grade level?
  • What strategies are you using to support these students?
  • What changes can you make in your Tier 1 classroom instruction to improve student growth?
  • What changes can you make in your Tier 1 instruction and in your classroom management plan that will decrease your disciplinary referrals?
  • What activities/practices that you learned about during Friday's professional opportunity will you implement in your classroom? 

Taking accurate and timely attendance is a professional expectation for all teachers, as well as an educationally sound practice and an important student safety issue.” RCSD 2017-2018 Attendance Manual, page 3.
The 2017-18 RCSD Attendance Manual can be found on the Intranet, under Departments, and then on the Student Attendance Page, as well as on the link provided. The manual includes all expectations of schools, the procedures to record attendance in an accurate and timely manner, and all the State laws and District policies.
·     The Standardized Attendance Recording Policy is on page 5 and includes the steps to resolve unsubmitted attendance concerns. This includes steps to take if disciplinary action is required.
·     The Annual Attendance Responsibility Form is on pages 18-20. This form serves as a record of all the attendance functions that need to be performed and who is responsible for completing those functions. Additional guidance is provided in the Every Minute Matters Principals’ Guide. This guide helps schools to structure weekly attendance meetings, review attendance data, and create action plans to curb chronic absenteeism. A Principals’ Self-Assessment looks at ways to organize resources, personalize student interventions, and utilize community partners to build connections with families. As always, the Student Attendance Department is available to meet with your attendance teams to provide additional support. We look forward to improved collaboration to serve our students and families.

Good Friday - March 30th
Spring Break Begins- March 30th - April 8th

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