Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, March 4, 2018

3.4.18 Its March

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Maya Angelou 

I have noticed that some email signatures come with inspirational quotes that may change from time to time. But I promise the quote above will never change in my signature line, as it guides me in how I interact with people. This month of March is a long one, however it offers plenty of opportunities to continue to build, strengthen and even mend relationships. I challenge you to be purposeful in engagement with students and colleagues, making sure that it is remembered positively. 
Dr. St. Louis and the Admin Team

~Thank you to those of you who participated in our "Dr. Seuss" Spirit Week! Staff and students had fun.

~Due to the snow day on Friday, we would like to complete the final day of our Spirit Week.  Friday was a day to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday and we were going to DROP Everything and READ.  We would like to complete our week with our final Dr. Seuss celebration day on March 5th. An email with details will be sent out on Sunday, March 4th.

~Professional Resources Updates from the Deputy Superintendent of Teaching & Learning Dr. Linus Guillory -  As we reflect on the tragic event in Parkland, we continue to say that we must do more to reach our youth and equip them with the skills of being problem solvers and thinkers. Our nation has seen a major movement of youth actively protesting and advocating for our government to take action. March 14 has been identified as a day for students to “walkout” of schools. I encourage you to leverage the many resources at and use this as an opportunity to focus on the learning value while assisting students showing interest to channel that energy towards change. This is an opportunity to help our students find voice. Many students and families across our city plan to participate in or have already joined the emerging movements. It is our duty as educators to help students be empathetic and informed citizens, especially during times like this as they plan to take action in our communities and across our country. The resources are intended to inform you of the event as well as help you as you support students; the tools are provided for you to use in making these moments teachable ones about the power of informed and active citizens. I encourage you to collaborate with your colleagues as schools are working with their student leaders to keep this event focused on learning. 

~Important Dates:
March 5th -  Rescheduled  Date  - “Cat in the Hat” - Hat Day and/or Red and White Day* This is also post celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday so don’t forget your Dr. Seuss gear! 

March 5th - READ ACROSS AMERICA EVENT - School Wide Drop Everything and Read (2:30 - 3:00) 

March 23rd -  Early Dismissal Day

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