Instructional Coach Corner

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Immediately following school we swill set tables out and teachers can bring down there displays.

  • The location community displays and hands -on that will have signs on the tables to create the best flow for the evening extravaganza.  Teachers feel free to choose a space that is empty of an agency tag.  Only the 1st floor will be open, from the library hall to the gym.
  • If your classroom is on the 1st floor it makes sense that your display wall space will be near your room.  Wherever you normally display student work unless you specifically requested another area, and then displays can be left up for some time following the event. 
  • The plan is to accommodate everyone and create less work.
  • If you are from the 2nd or 3rd floor you will have a space on the 1st floor.
                                                   John Walton Spencer School No. 16

Project Fair

* No children may attend evening event without an adult.
* Please volunteer one half hour of your time during the event so we can offer hands-on   activities.  There are two sign-up sheets;
1 for Hands-on activities during the event.
1 for Classroom walk-through of the project museum on Friday in the Music room 121.
* We have many community agencies attending our event.
* Since students have school on Friday, wewill return students projects to your room so music can use their classroom for teaching.  , please make sure they are labeled, room number, student name, teacher name.
* Students staying after school must be with an adult at all times.  Please send a note to J. Cowles with these students’ names and I will forward them all to Ms. Roberts.
* The expectation is that every teacher will display students’ work.  It doesn’t need to be large or complicated, simply a reflection of what is happening in your classroom.  Please remember to include the task, standards, rubric, and commentary.
* Thank you for your hard work and for volunteering to run activity areas!!! This
             participation allows us to offer hands-on fun for everyone.

A few ideas to ensure a well attended event:
* Have students make invitations for family and friends.
*Make blue ribbon projects part of the classroom expectations.
*Please encourage individual projects.
*The more quality projects displayed the better the reflection on our teaching and learning family. 

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