Instructional Coach Corner

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Please be sure to review the weekly blog.  Visit each section of the blog for important information. 
All sections have been updated this week.

Administrative Message:
Welcome back!
Thank you for supporting us and working together to make the first week run as smoothly as possible.  We know that we still have some concerns to troubleshoot and we are working with the contractors and RCSD staff to solve the issues.  We want to thank you for your suggestions, patience and collaboration.  Please feel free to see one of us with any concerns and or feedback you have.
Have a great week,

Quote of the week:
“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”
- Sydney J. Harris

News you can use:
  • All staff should report to your posts on time.
  • A new procedure for arrival and dismissal was sent out on Thursday.
  • Small (Monroe transportation) buses will be located in the back of the school in the parking lot. TA/Paraprofessional and teacher teacher will take students to their buses

  •        There should be 2 breakfast stations on both 1st and 2nd floors, please let us know if there are any concerns with breakfast.  We are currently working on getting an extra station for the Kdg wing.

·       Dismissal
  • Preparation for announcements will be announced at 3:20 pm.
  • 1st round of buses (343-349); dismissed at 3:25.
  • 2nd round of buses (350-354) dismissed at 3:30 pm.
  • Large buses will be located in front of the school. Buses 343-349 will be lined up first and buses 350-354 will follow.
  • Small (Monroe transportation) buses will be located in the back of the school in the parking lot. TA/Paraprofessional and teacher will take students to their buses.
  • All teachers, please buddy up with your grade level partners, collaborate & determine who will take the students to the buses and students who walk home in the 1st round, who will take the remaining students to the buses for the 2nd round and who will take the students to the back parking lot if they are getting picked up (grade levels that only have two teachers, have been assigned a support staff member to pick up these students at 3:25).
  •  Please keep students in the classroom, not the hallway and wait for the                                          announcement to dismiss.
  • Due to safety concerns, it is imperative that you follow these procedures.
Custodial Requests:
  • Mr. Johnson is working on all custodian requests. Please understand that some request such as building repairs of newly installed items are the contractors responsibility and they are still working on the building. If repairs and needs are not taken care of, please email an administrator.

·    Keys:
  •         T keys have been signed out to staff, if you haven't received one, please see a secretary in the main office..
  •          All keys need to be returned to the main office prior to you leaving the building each day.

  •         Please enter the café through the last door at the end and exit through the first door. 
  •      Please bring your students in and seat them at their table.
  •      Please be sure they have a book to read for DEAR.
  •      When you pick up your students, please wait at the café door and the students will be dismissed by class to you.

SOAR Expectations:
  • Please be sure to review the suggested lessons in the SOAR handbook with your students.  Be sure they are aware of the expectations in all areas of the school.
  • Blue Soar bucks will be copied and be given to teachers by the end of the day Friday.

Committee Sign-up:
  • The list is in the main office, please stop in to sign up for a committee.
  •  The computer lab will be used for intervention and enrichment purposes.  A schedule will         be created and sent out in the near future.
  •  Chromebook Carts will be scheduled for classrooms within the next week. 
  •  Chromeboxes will be set up within the next week as well.
   Walkthroughs and Learning Walks:
  • Walkthroughs will begin this week.  Learning walks will begin late September/early October.
  •  Please see the "learning walk/walkthrough" section in this blog for the focus areas.
   Blog Suggestions:
  •       If you have any suggestions for the blog please email L. Garrow. The calendar in the blog will be updated with staff birthdays, dates and events.
    Staff Handbook:
  •      It is imperative that you read through the entire staff handbook, it contains important information. 

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