Instructional Coach Corner

Friday, October 5, 2018


Principal's Message:
Greetings faculty, as the proud principal of John Walton Spencer school number 16 I would like to express how excited I am to be your school leader!
Nothing would make me any prouder, than having a dedicated, hard working team, who will go above and beyond to support what's best for our students.
To begin this journey, I must continue to reiterate the importance of being present and prepared to engage our children with positive experiences at school on a daily basis!
We can't afford to watch or talk about it!
Everyone must be apart of the work that needs to be done (Effective teaching and learning)!
I need a team that is willing to take our work seriously enough to serve as courageous, positive role models, plan relevant, engaging lessons for all students, have positive and supporting conversations with our children as well as do whatever it takes to make a difference, I need you to be the difference!
We all have a lot at stake, our students are the future! 
When we tell our story, yours and theirs, will be threaded throughout! 
Let's make sure it is a good story. A story that reflects resilience, growth, teamwork and that success is the end result! 
Lastly, I hope that  you gained some insight, knowledge and/or awareness about implicit bias, learning outcomes, the next generation learning standards, "Rochester Style".  This day gave us an opportunity to reflect, share and collaborate together. 
As a district and school, we will continue to plan and adjust learning around two key questions "what should students know & what should students be able to do & be like at the end of the year"?  

Principal Open Office Hours:
Tuesday  1:15-2:00  
Wednesday 11-12:30 
Thursday 12:15-1:15 
Friday 11:30-12:15  

Arrival and breakfast:
Arrival procedures have been much smoother the past couple weeks.  Most students are arriving and have entered the building by 9:05 with the exception of one or two late buses. Please take some time to reflect upon the arrival process, students entering the building and breakfast procedures and send L. Garrow and feedback that you have.  We are always looking at ways to work together as a team to improve our school - wide systems and processes.

Morning Meeting:
Please take some time to reflect on how Morning Meetings are going in your classroom and provide feedback to the team and administration.  Please send your feedback to L. Garrow and E. Cole via email.

All walkers will be dismissed after the buses depart approx. 3:40.  All walkers will be picked up by the same adult who gets students who are picked up by their parents & taken to the gym.
In addition to the teacher who has been  students who get picked up to the gym, Ms. Michel will get the second graders and third grade walkers and Mrs. Agnitti will get the fourth and fifth grader walkers.  These students along with the students who get picked up by their parents will be picked up from your classroom approx. 3:20.

Station Rotations:
Each year we plan three station rotation events (fall, winter and spring) for our students to visit and learn/practice our school - wide expectations. The fall schedule has been sent out to you via email and also is posted under the PBIS/SOAR section of this blog.  The first set of rotations will begin tomorrow. It is our expectation that you follow the schedule and adhere to the times listed.  Please accompany your students to each rotation and be sure they are demonstrating appropriate behavior as our facilitators are teaching the expectations. If you have any questions, please see L. Garrow

Walk through focus:
The week of Oct 8- Nov. 2nd, 2018 our Walkthrough focus areas will be Morning meetings and Learning targets.  Please ensure you have kid friendly LT posted, you refer to them throughout your lesson and your students are aware of them and what they mean.  Also, be sure you are conducting your Morning Meeting each day and using all of the MM components.

Upcoming Dates:
Columbus Day (all facilities closed) - Monday, October 8th, 2018
Parent Teacher Conferences - Tuesday, October 9th, 2018
Superintendents Conference Day  - Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
Veterans Day (all facilities closed) - November 12th, 2018
Thanksgiving Recess - Wednesday, November 21st - November 23rd, 2018

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