Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Administrative message:
We would like you all to know that we are grateful that you are part of the School No. 16 staff. We want to thank you for all that you do for our students, our school and for each other. Have a restful and safe break. Take time to relax and enjoy your family. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Walk through Focus: 

For the last week  of November  the focus will remain on Learning Targets and Morning Meeting.  Please ensure that your LT's are posted, you refer to them throughout your lesson, students can read, paraphrase and understand them.  Please be sure you are conducting Morning Meetings everyday.

Monthly Attribute:
Our monthly Attribute is gratitude. Please click on the following link to reference activities you can do with your students this week.

Upcoming Attribute of the month:
Each month please review and create lessons/activities around our attribute of the month. The blog will contain activities that you can use with your students.

December: Cooperation
January: Peacemaker
February: Friendship
March: Self Control
April: Kindness
May: Perseverance
June: Determination

Upcoming Important Dates:
SOAR Quarterly Event - Turkey Trot - November 20th
Thanksgiving Recess - November 21st - 23rd
November Monthly Awards Assembly - November 26th
Early Dismissal Day - December 7th
December Monthly Awards Assembly - December 20th
Winter Recess - December 21st - January 1st

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