Instructional Coach Corner

Friday, March 8, 2019


~Administrative Message:
As we approach the NYS Assessment period, please be mindful about the importance of preparing our students for these assessments.  Please take some time to discuss the importance of the ELA and Math assessments, why we take these assessments and what the results are used for. We are asking that ALL staff Pre - K through 6, speak with your students and staff that assist your classroom, about keeping our hallways quiet and our school atmosphere calm.
Please also engage your students in the activities below to assist them with stress/anxiety they may have around testing.
Have a great week,

~Information, student work and upcoming news:
If you have anything you would like to have posted in our blog, please email admin.
We encourage you to share student work, news about your classroom/grade level etc.

~JWS Annual Project Fair:
This year we celebrate our 25th annual project fair on March 14th. Our plan is to be on the first floor between our formal entrance and the gym. This evening is an opportunity to share all that we do with our parents, partners, and the community. Teachers are expected to have a display on a project board on the first floor with standards addressed, a description of the task, and student work with a commentary. This could be a past project or something new.  A project board will be provided if needed (see J. Cowles). On Wednesday, March 13th, it is necessary to have 2 staff members at all times to accept projects from 2:30 – 5:30pm. We need staff to volunteer for at least one half hour shift the night of the event.  Each booth will have all materials and complete directions. Activities will be simple, but interactive. A sign up sheet will be posted in the office to sign up for working a booth. Without volunteers, we can not run the activities. The first floor will be the only area open that evening. All teachers on the 2nd & 3rd floor will bring their classroom display boards down to the first floor to an assigned area. Classroom displays are samples of activities already going on in your classrooms. Classes are invited and encouraged to view the project “museum” during the day.  If you have any questions, please see J. Cowles.

~Walk through Focus:
Week of 3.11.19 - 3.22.19  - Lesson Plans, Zearn and Intervention

~School - Wide Learning Walks:

Learning Walks will be conducted throughout the year by the JWS Leadership Team.
Specific topics will be observed and feedback will be provided. The topics are instructional, behavioral and school - wide expectations. These expectations have been approved at SBPT/Building Committee and are expected to have been implemented. 

~3.8.19 Learning Walk:
The Leadership Team (L. Garrow, M. VerSchneider, B. O'Donnell, J. Osborne, M, Michel, S. Franzese and K. Hall) conducted a Learning Walk on 3.8.19. The feedback has been posted in the Learning Walk/Walkthrough section and has been sent out in an email. We would like to thank you for your cooperation and welcoming us into your classrooms!  Mrs. Roberts  wants to extend her apologies for missing the learning walk due to an out of the building meeting. However, she is  a part of the Leadership Team as well and will be conducting future Learning Walks with her team.

~Music In Our Schools Month:
March is Music In Our Schools Month. Our students have been hard at work creating a display to celebrate music. All students in the school had the opportunity in music class to share their thoughts on music by creating puzzle pieces. Together they have shown how puzzles and music have a lot in common. One puzzle piece or one note is nice, but doesn't  show the whole picture. 
If we each add our piece, together we can create something beautiful. 

~Character Attribute of the Month:
Our monthly character attribute is Self - Control. 
Please discuss the attribute with your students and have them participate in literature and activities that engage them with this attribute.

~NYS ELA and Math Assessment:
141/2 days are left to prepare for the NYS ELA Assessment (April 2 & 3).
30 1/2 days are left to prepare for the NYS Math Assessment (May 1 & 2).
Please be sure you are on target with your pacing and are using the released test questions with students.

~Upcoming CFA 's: 
Grade 4 Math CFA 3 March 12th
Grade 6 Math CFA 4 March15th

~Upcoming Important Dates:
March 14th: Annual Project Fair
March 21: Early Dismissal Day
March 22: Recess Day/No School for Students
March 25: Feb & March Character Education Assembly

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