Instructional Coach Corner

Monday, October 30, 2017

Image result for open office sign

Principal Roberts Open Office Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 to 12:00 
Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30

These are set weekly hours from this date on.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

John Walton Spencer School No. 16
has School Spirit!
Show your School Spirit on October 30th, 2017 - November 3rd, 2017
Parents, please use the following schedule to help prepare your child for our daily spirit week event.

Oct. 30th – Mismatched Monday
Oct. 31st- Superhero/Book Character Day
Nov. 1st – Pajama Day, wear your comfy pajamas to school (Be sure your pajamas are appropriate, no strapless tops/spaghetti strings or inappropriate logos/words)
Nov. 2nd – Sports Team Day, support your favorite team with a team shirt, jersey and/or hat
Nov. 3rd – Wear our school colors (Blue and Yellow)

Teacher Quote of the Week:
Image result for Dear teacher la Profesora Frida

Hello Staff'
"Kids don't care how much you know unless they know how much you care." 
 ~Madeleine Hunter 
Please remember the quote above as we enter into what is historically a time when inappropriate student behavior increases. Our past data has shown an increase in referrals for the months of (end of) November, in December, January and in March. The referrals indicate an increase in attention seeking behaviors. Data also shows that students are struggling with challenges that have much to do with the inability to cope with stress and trauma. We ask you to continue to tell your students, particularity the most challenging, how much you care and consistently show them. It is a small gesture that goes a very long way. 

Please review the links below that can assist you: 
Trauma Sensitive Schools 

Children, Violence, and Trauma - Interventions in Schools 

Strategies for teachers: supporting traumatized children 

RTI Tips: 
Now that you have had time to get to know your students’ academic needs better you are most likely looking for specific intervention strategies to implement either in small or whole group. The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RTI process. The chart provides a plethora of research-based intervention strategies that can be used to support tier I, II, and III instruction. 

Please click the link below to access the website to search for interventions in a variety of ways, including but not limited to grade level, content area, and instructional need. 

Connect with our Instructional Coach: 
The primary goal is to improve the educational experience for all in a non - evaluative way. Our Instructional coach is here to help you meet your instructional goals. Our coach works with individuals and small groups of teachers to make instructional decisions that best meet the needs of their students. Our Instructional Coach can: help you plan, co - teach, observe, collect data to improve instruction, collaborate in problem solving a variety of circumstances, and provide useful, helpful, and specific feedback. 

Have a great week, 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Hello Staff,

Please see the information below.  

We encourage you to participate.  

Mrs. Bickom has been trained in this area and this is a 

great way to establish positive relationships and a  

classroom community.  

Community Building Circle

Who:  Anyone who would like to build a community in their class

What:  Jamie Bickom to facilitate circles with you and your students

Where:  Your classroom

When:  Your choice, 20 – 30 minutes, once a week

How: E-mail Jamie Bickom with a day and time preference

“Rules without relationships build rebellion.”            
-Dr. Robert Brooks

Sunday, October 22, 2017

You Make a Difference!

Hello Staff,
Thank you for your commitment this month with our students and your positivity as we continue to establish operational and instructional systems in our building. Working collaboratively together will ensure that what we are doing, is done efficiently and successfully.
You make a difference! 
Please take a moment to watch the video link below and remind yourself of that.  
Have a successful week.

Mrs. Roberts Weekly Open Office hours:
M, T, W & F - 10:00  to 11:00
Thurs - 2:00 to 3:00

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Reserving the Cafe for class celebrations with food

Hello Staff,
As previously discussed by Mrs. Roberts, all class celebrations with food needs to take place in the Cafe. If you would like to reserve the Cafe, please email Mrs. Luke (copy in administration) at least 48 hours prior to the day you need it.  She will than place the request for you.  If there is a conflict with the request she will let you know.

Thank you,

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Image result for inspirational quotes about teachers making a difference

Hello Staff,
We would like to send a special thanks out to our Reading Teacher's and Intervention Teachers for all that they did to assist in the completion of our beginning of the year assessments. We would also like to thank all of you who attended the professional learning opportunity on Thursday AM and PM, to learn more about our Intervention process and documentation logs that we are using this year.  
Ms. Osborne, Mrs. Michel and Mrs. Ebner all have spent countless hours on the creation of this process and planning the PD for you all. Please remember that this is a school - wide expectation and administration will work with our Intervention Team to be sure that the logs are completed, monitored and updated as needed. If you need any additional support please see one of us.  Please see the previous post listed below in regards to additional support that the Intervention Team members are offering this week.  Lastly, please click here to view a short video on Positive Teacher - Student Relationships.
~Have a great week,

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hello Classroom Teachers;
Beginning next week on October 16th, Ms. Osborne, Mrs. Michel and Mrs. Ebner will have open office hours in room 312 to support you with the completion of your Intervention Documentation Logs. The open support sessions will begin at 8:30 AM everyday next week.

Thank you,

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Hello Staff, we hope you had time to spend with family, relax and or do something fun over the past long weekend, you all deserve it!  
This week we encourage you to find a way to tell your story, in the spirit and work of building authentic relationships with our students, we find that once students realize that educators are actual people that  hurt, celebrate, can be wrong, and can love, trusting relationships thrive. Take a moment to watch the link cited below "Student-teacher relationships" and find ways you can continue to build positive relationships with your students. 
Have a great week, 

Mrs. Roberts Open Office Hours this week are;
Wednesday - 2:00 - 3:00
Friday - 10:00 - 11:00 and 1:30 - 2:30

Sunday, October 1, 2017

We appreciate all the efforts that our teachers and support staff has put in thus far, arriving early and working to prepare a safe learning environment, creating engaging lessons,  collaborating with fellow colleagues, and building relationships with your students and families. All your efforts have not gone unnoticed nor unappreciated! It is extremely encouraging to see the results of the efforts that classroom teachers are making to build positive relationships with their students since school has begun. Students were observed in classrooms ready to learn and when in the halls, working towards  the SOAR protocols and being safe. Please know that thoughtful and deliberate plans to foster positive relationships with students and their families will make a difference in the long run…and while the work is challenging, the outcomes are REWARDING!   A special thanks goes out to all that attended Open House on Thursday evening.  We had a great turnout and our families had many positive things to say about our school. Keep up the good work!
If you are in need of support, have questions or would like to talk, please do not hesitate to to see us.
Thank you and have a superb week!
~School NO. 16 Admin Team