Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, October 1, 2017

We appreciate all the efforts that our teachers and support staff has put in thus far, arriving early and working to prepare a safe learning environment, creating engaging lessons,  collaborating with fellow colleagues, and building relationships with your students and families. All your efforts have not gone unnoticed nor unappreciated! It is extremely encouraging to see the results of the efforts that classroom teachers are making to build positive relationships with their students since school has begun. Students were observed in classrooms ready to learn and when in the halls, working towards  the SOAR protocols and being safe. Please know that thoughtful and deliberate plans to foster positive relationships with students and their families will make a difference in the long run…and while the work is challenging, the outcomes are REWARDING!   A special thanks goes out to all that attended Open House on Thursday evening.  We had a great turnout and our families had many positive things to say about our school. Keep up the good work!
If you are in need of support, have questions or would like to talk, please do not hesitate to to see us.
Thank you and have a superb week!
~School NO. 16 Admin Team

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