Instructional Coach Corner

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Classroom Teachers;
This is a reminder that our School No. 16 Learning Walk Team, will conduct K - 8 School - Wide Learning Walks throughout the year.  The Learning Walk and Walk - through focus areas are posted to the right of our blog under the Learning Walk/Walk -through Section. Please be mindful that the first focus area for our school is Learning Targets.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Hello Staff,
~Please refer to Mrs. Robert's email that was sent out about report cards and specific dates.

~If you are available between 2:30 and 3:00 PM on Thursday, February 1st, please come help support our K - 6 students at our monthly SOAR event in the cafe. This month we will celebrate our students and their efforts to demonstrate SOAR behavior by reading a story about "Snow" and making a snowflake craft. If  you can lend a hand please meet me (L. Garrow) in the cafe at 2:30 PM.

~Please consider involving your students in the Black History Month Door Decorating Contest.  If you have any questions about this, please see Ms. E. Brown or Ms. E. McLarty. 

Important Dates:
-Tuesday, January 30th, 2018 - Marking Period 2 Report Cards are due to administration by 11:00 PM 
-Monday, February 5, 2018 - Report Cards are to be sent home with students
-Thursday, February 15, 2018 - Black History Month Celebration
Day time Performance is @ 2:30 and evening performance is at 6:00 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2018

See the source image

Hello Staff,
~Please see the new information in the "Instructional Corner" section "Mindfulness Corner" , PBIS/SOAR section - for ways to help teach your students the School Creed and other areas of the blog.

~A special thank you goes out to all the staff and students who supported us with the Annual RCSD School Expo.  The grade level highlights, student work and project boards, that you shared with us was a great representation of what is happening at School No. 16!

~Also we would like to thank our PTA President Mrs. Howard, Ms. Givens, Ms. E. Brown, Ms. Schramm, Ms. S. Brown and Mr. Murray for coming out on Sat. to represent our school and speak to parents.

~The Martin Luther King Jr. Award was presented to Sariah Brooks last week. When you see her please congratulate her!  

Have a great week,

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hello Staff,
We hope you enjoyed your long weekend and took sometime to relax. 

~Thank you to all of the facilitators and staff that participated in the PBIS/SOAR Station Rotations last week.  Please be sure you are holding all students accountable for their behavior in all areas of the school building.

~Last week Principal Roberts sent an email out to staff that included information about the new Walk - through Tool.  This tool will be used by administrators as we visit your classrooms.  The tool will provide you with timely feedback and suggestions about improving instruction. 
We are currently working on the creation of the Learning Walk Tool.  More information on that tool is forthcoming.

Principal Roberts will conduct Walk - throughs in grades K - 2.  
L. Garrow will conduct the Walk - throughs in grades 3 -5.
Dr. St. Louis will conduct Walk - throughs in grades 6 - 8. 

The Walk - through tool and focus areas are listed to the right of our blog under the "Learning Walk/Walk - Through" section.  The focus areas for the Walk - throughs will be the same as the Learning Walks. The focus areas were determined based upon the school SCEP, our building - wide initiatives and based upon your feedback given at the collaborative forums held in November.  The first focus area is Learning Targets.  Please review the Walk - through tool to become familiar with the indicators that we will look for under each focus area.

When thinking about a Learning Walk and a Walk - through, it is important to remember the following;

 - Both are ways to improve instructional practices 
 - A Learning Walk is used to give timely feedback school - wide
 - A Walk - through is used to give timely feedback to a specific         teacher
 - Both are NON - EVALUATIVE practices 

Have a great week!

Friday, January 12, 2018

SOAR Staff of the Month

Mrs. Franzese is a first grade teacher.  She likes to eat salad and cheese. Her favorite color is black and she has a pet fish.
She likes to try new things, visit new places, listen to music and spend time with her family. 
If you see Mrs. Franzese, congratulate her on her success at working hard to meet all of her students’ needs and being an integral part of School No. 16’s team!

Mr. McCray is a middle school Math teacher.  He teaches math to students in 7th and 8th grade. His favorite color is blue and he likes to eat pizza. He has a dog named Teddy who he loves very much.  Mr. McCray likes to watch “Game of Thrones” and the “Walking Dead”. If you see this fabulous Math teacher, please congratulate him on how he supports the social and emotional needs of our students and how he is always willing to support School No. 16’s school – wide efforts!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

1.8.18 Weekly Post

Image result for quotes for teachers

Weekly Blog Updates:
Please be sure to review the following sections of 
the blog this week;
         ~Weekly Post below
         ~ Instructional Support Section
         ~Instructional Coaches Section
         ~Mindfulness Section
         ~PBIS/SOAR Section - this weeks station rotation                schedule is posted there
         ~Assessment Section

Principal Message:
~Welcome back Staff! 
As the 2018 New Year kicks off with a cold, wintry Storm, it’s a great indication of how much warmth is needed to weather the challenges ahead. 
I’m hopeful that our school faculty and families will outlast the storm - we will survive the Storm! 

Together, we survived the DTSDE review the week before the winter break! 
The feedback and  recommendations from the state review team are aligned with many of the SCEP goals. 

The recommendations are posted in the schools’ google drive.  
Please review these recommendations. The administrative team will work closely with the SBPT to create and implement the procedures and instructional practices that have been recommended for improvement.

I look forward to collaborating with school staff, families and community agencies to improve our school community,  resources and overall students’ performance.

I would like to share my appreciation of the daily support you have provided your students in acquiring the skills, and core knowledge they need. I’m encouraging you to keep planning for rigorous teaching, engaging activities, reading and learning new strategies on how to best meet the needs of your students. Planing for sustained and continuous growth is imperative. Please be sure your weekly plans are visible, the administrative team will be in throughout the week to check your lesson plans and give you timely feedback on your plans.
Have a great week,
Principal Carla Roberts 

Important upcoming Dates:
~January 12th -  10:00 to 11:00 - Wild Wings Assembly for Third Grade Students
~January 9th and 10th - SOAR Station Rotation #2 
   (ALL K - 6 Students must attend each rotation - see schedule posted in the PBIS/SOAR 
   section to the right)
~January 15th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day   All facilities are closed
~January 26th - SOAR Month Event at 2:30 in the Cafe
~Black History Month Celebration TBA  
~February 16th - SOAR Event - School - Wide Winter Carnival

Classroom Teachers:
~As stated in the building committee minutes this week, we are asking you to please follow 
the procedure below when exiting the building. 

    "How can we ensure that students follow SOAR expectations when exiting the building (specifically staying on the right side of the stairs)"?

As stated by Mrs. Roberts, "Teachers should reinforce the SOAR expectations with their class.  Teachers are expected to monitor their students.  All students and adults go down the stairs on the right side and come up on the right side.  The only change would occur during a fire drill leaving the building.  If it continues to be a problem, please see an administrator". 

Also, please remember that students cannot ride the elevator. The only time a student can be in the elevator is if they have a medical reason and the documentation is filed in our school nurses office. If a student has a medical reason and we have the appropriate documentation filed with our school nurse, they must be accompanied by a staff member while using the elevator.

~Please review the updated assessment information to the right under the "Assessment Information" section.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Welcome back staff,
We hope your had a restful and enjoyable break. 

ALL Classroom Teachers:
Please be sure you have your weekly lesson plans placed on your desk and they are visible.  Admin will periodically review your plans and give your feedback.
As we begin our short week back from our week off, please spend some time to review our PBIS/SOAR classroom and school - wide behavior expectations.  

Please be sure to refer to your school - wide SOAR Handbook that you received at the beginning of the school year.  An electronic copy has been posted under the PBIS/SOAR section of this blog. 

It is imperative that you teach the SOAR expectations included in the handbook.  As we discussed previously, there are suggested lessons noted in the handbook for each expectation. 

Please note when and what SOAR lessons you intend to teach in your weekly plans (this week and next week).  

K - 6 Classrooms Teachers ONLY;
Currently, we are working on the Jan. Station Rotation Schedule. We will send you a copy of that schedule via email.   The rotations will be scheduled during the week of 1.8.17. It is our expectation that you take your class to each station rotation listed. This is not an option.

All Staff;
Thank you for all of your support during our Annual Review. We were very pleased with the feedback we received. We look forward to working together with all of you as we put a plan in place, as we begin to work towards the recommendations that we received. Mrs. Roberts shared the results at our staff breakfast.  She will also provide more feedback to you in the near future.

Have a great week back!