Instructional Coach Corner

Monday, January 21, 2019


Administrative Message:
Our daily schedule is based on a variety of factors, such as mandated time periods for particular subjects,  special classes, lunch periods, and teacher planning time just to name a few. The clock seems to manage our day.  According to “The First Days of School” by Harry K. Wong, there are four kinds of time at school, allocated time, instructional time, engaged time and academic time.
Have a great week and make every minute count!

Read the links below to learn about ways you can maximize student learning time.

Black Lives Matter in Schools Week Feb. 4-8, 2019:
Black Lives Matter is the social movement of our time, and one we must engage with as we do anti-racist work in our schools and lives. The movement, which was started by Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi in 2012 after the murder of Trayvon Martin, inspired Black Lives Matter at School in Seattle in 2016, Philadelphia and Rochester in 2017, and nationwide in 2018. On February 4-8, 2019, Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action will reach more schools and districts nationwide and will be embraced by the National Education Association, the largest Teachers Union in the United States. As we prepare for the Week of Action, please read a piece that outlines the demands for the week and explains some of the ways we can value Black lives in our schools. To get involved, visit the Black Lives Matter at School website. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Ruth Turner.
Guiding Questions:
·    How has the Black Lives Matter movement impacted you, your school, and your students?
·    What does it look like when Black lives matter in schools?
·    How do the demands of the Black Lives Matter Week of Action apply to your school and district?
·    How will you participate in the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action (February 4-8, 2019)?

Additional Readings:
·    “Black Lives Matter Week of Action” by Coshandra Dillard from Teaching Tolerance
·    “How to Explain Black Lives Matter to White People” by Michael Harriot (The Root)
·    “Making Black Lives Matter in our Schools” by Rethinking Schools (editorial)
·    “Why Teaching Black Lives Matter Matters, Part I” by Jamilah Pitts from Teaching Tolerance
·    “Bringing Black Lives Matter into the Classroom, Part II” by Jamilah Pitts from Teaching Tolerance
·    “A District Profile: Black Lives Matter at School” by Maya Lindberg from Teaching Tolerance
·    The Movement for Black Lives (website)

Important Article
Colleagues, I highly recommend reading the article below and sharing with your school community. Thank you.

Pre-K Professional Development:

This is a reminder that the focused Professional Development in Pre K for winter is Phase 2 of the District’s Writing Initiative. 
It is an expectation that all teachers participate in this training. Materials will be provided to each classroom after the training. Please see workshop details below:

Phase 2 Writing: Hands that Play are Hands that Communicate
This hands-on workshop will begin with a review from Phase 1, focusing on the importance of underlying motor skills needed for students to become successful writers. We will also review the developmental levels of writing to understand that children’s pictures and scribbles tell a story! We will discuss pictures and videos of RCSD students engaged in the writing process and working on their motor skills while having the opportunity to share ideas for embedding writing throughout the daily routine. There will be a make-and-take, so you can immediately start using the strategies discussed, and you will leave with even more writing materials to use in your classroom. Please bring your copy of our anchor text: So Much More than the ABC’s.
 The upcoming dates for the training at RECEC (107 N. Clinton Ave) from 4:00 – 6:00 pm are Tuesday, January 22; Monday, January 28; and Thursday, January 31. Teachers should register on True North Logic. If you have already have taken the training on the half-day last week and have not picked up their materials, they can do so on the dates listed above.

Important Dates:
Report Cards due to Administration - February 1st
Report Cards go home - February 8th
February Recess - February 18th - 22nd

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