Instructional Coach Corner

Friday, January 25, 2019


~Administrative Message:
Do you give each student a chance to start fresh each day? Do you give yourself a chance to start fresh each day? 
We encourage you to make every day a fresh start for you and your students. There are benefits of letting go and starting each day fresh. 
Read the article "Educators: Make Every Day A Fresh Start" to find out the benefits of allowing you and your students to start each day with a clean slate.

Have a great week,
~JWS Admin Team

~Walkthrough Focus:
1/28 - 2/15  - Lesson Plans, Zearn and Intervention

~JWS Classroom Environment & Instructional Expectations:
Classroom Environment Expectations:
Standards Based Bulletin Boards
Leveled Library in each classroom
Daily Schedule posted
Word Wall(s) in each classroom
Data Wall in each classroom
Work areas (small, large, individual work areas)
School Creed and Effort Rubric posted
Instructional Artifacts posted
Instructional Expectations:
Data Notebooks for each classroom
Morning Meeting
Progress Monitoring
Student Data Portfolios
Daily Lesson Plans
Parent Communication Log
Emergency Sub Plans and supporting materials
Looking at Student Work (LASW) Protocol 

It is imperative that you follow the dismissal procedures.  QuadA students are being dismissed to early and the QuadA staff are not available to receive the students when they are dismissed early.  Students are left in the commons area unattended.
This is a safety concern.
As previously discussed, please DO NOT dismiss QuadA students until they have been called over the PA during the second round.

~February's Character Education Attribute of the Month:
Friendships can have a major impact on our health and well-being, but it's not always easy to build or maintain friendships. Click on the link below to read more about this attribute. The link below is filled with ideas, lessons and other great activities.

~Black Lives Matter at School Week:
On February 4-8, 2019, Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action will reach more schools and districts nationwide and will be embraced by the National Education Association, the largest Teachers Union in the United States. As we prepare for the Week of Action, please read a piece that outlines the demands for the week and explains some of the ways we can value Black lives in our schools. To get involved, visit the Black Lives Matter at School website. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Ruth Turner
Primary Article: Introduction to Teaching for Black Lives from Rethinking Schools
Guiding Questions:
·    How has the Black Lives Matter movement impacted you, your school, and your students?
·    What does it look like when Black lives matter in schools?
·    How do the demands of the Black Lives Matter Week of Action apply to your school and district?
·    How will you participate in the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action (February 4-8, 2019)?

~100th Day of School:
The 100th Day of school is on February 13th, 2019. We encourage you to celebrate your students attendance and 100 days of success. Below are some links that can be reviewed for ideas and activities. Enjoy!

~Bulletin Boards:
Be sure to update your bulletin boards with student work that is current.  Including the assignment description, the standard and a scoring rubric is essential. Many of our bulletin boards are outdated throughout our school.

NWEA - The NWEA test administration window opened on January 7 and closes on February 8.
All students in grades K through 8 are expected to sit for these assessments in Reading and Math during this time. NWEA student rosters are updated automatically every night; if you have questions about NWEA user access, please contact the AIMSweb Plus and NWEA mailbox ( 
Be sure to print out your class report and ensure you have a score for each student.

AIMSwebPlus - Assessment window closes on Feb. 8th.  Please be sure all students are assessed.

Upcoming CFA 's - 
Grade 3 Math CFA 2 Feb. 15th
Grade 5 Math CFA 3 March 8th
Grade 4 Math CFA 3 March 12th
Grade 6 Math CFA 4 March15th

~SUTW Projected Timeline:
Please be sure you are adhering to the dates below and recording the scores in your SUTW tracking sheet.

~Data Sheet & SUTW Tracking Sheet:
Be sure that all student data is accurately recorded on the data sheet for both ELA and Math.  Also be sure that you have recorded all writing genre data on your tracking sheet. Administration will review both data logs after the assessment window has closed for NWEA and AIMSwebPlus.

~Zearn Expectations:
Administration continues to review your Zearn usage amounts and lesson completion.  We also look to see what teachers have logged into their Zearn account and how often.  Be mindful that Zearn is a school - wide expectation.
Hats off to those of you who meet the Zearn expectations every week.  We are proud of you and your students.
We will continue to have conversations with classroom teachers who are not meeting their Zearn goal.  If you need support with ensuring you are meeting this expectation, please see your administrator immediately.

  • Grades 1 - 5 120 minutes per week
  • average of 4 lessons a week
  • 50/50 Model must be used in your classroom (30 minutes Zearn, 30 minutes small group instruction)

~Important Dates:
Report Cards due to Administration - Jan. 25th CORRECTION
Black Lives Matter at School Week - February 4th - 8th
Report Cards go home - February 8th
100th Day of School - February 13th
February Recess - February 18th - 22nd
Character Education Assembly - February 28th

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