Instructional Coach Corner

Sunday, March 25, 2018


~Thank you to all the staff that supported our students in the creation of their projects for our Annual Project Fair.  They were amazing! The event was a success. Our students and families enjoyed the evening. We would like to send a special thank you to Mrs. Cowles, Ms. White - Spraggins, their students, our custodial staff and the community agencies for all the preparation and work they did to plan this event. 


~Take a peek at the new JWS School No. 16.  Construction is underway!  We were recently featured in the City Newspaper.  Use the link below to read the article titled "Construction nears for School 16".


~On Wednesday our 7th grade students visited Central Office to hear Dr. David Anderson speak about the importance of relationships and how they relate to abolitionists from Rochester, such as Frederick Douglass and Austin Steward.

~Please remember to support our SOAR Hallway Activity and give gold coins to the classes that are demonstrating appropriate hallway behavior.
Thank you to all of our staff who planned and presented on Friday, March  23rd. Please take some time to take a closer look at the school - wide academic and disciplinary data that we shared and reflect on the professional development you participated in. As you take some time to reflect, think about these guided questions;
  • Who are the students that are performing below grade level?
  • What strategies are you using to support these students?
  • What changes can you make in your Tier 1 classroom instruction to improve student growth?
  • What changes can you make in your Tier 1 instruction and in your classroom management plan that will decrease your disciplinary referrals?
  • What activities/practices that you learned about during Friday's professional opportunity will you implement in your classroom? 

Taking accurate and timely attendance is a professional expectation for all teachers, as well as an educationally sound practice and an important student safety issue.” RCSD 2017-2018 Attendance Manual, page 3.
The 2017-18 RCSD Attendance Manual can be found on the Intranet, under Departments, and then on the Student Attendance Page, as well as on the link provided. The manual includes all expectations of schools, the procedures to record attendance in an accurate and timely manner, and all the State laws and District policies.
·     The Standardized Attendance Recording Policy is on page 5 and includes the steps to resolve unsubmitted attendance concerns. This includes steps to take if disciplinary action is required.
·     The Annual Attendance Responsibility Form is on pages 18-20. This form serves as a record of all the attendance functions that need to be performed and who is responsible for completing those functions. Additional guidance is provided in the Every Minute Matters Principals’ Guide. This guide helps schools to structure weekly attendance meetings, review attendance data, and create action plans to curb chronic absenteeism. A Principals’ Self-Assessment looks at ways to organize resources, personalize student interventions, and utilize community partners to build connections with families. As always, the Student Attendance Department is available to meet with your attendance teams to provide additional support. We look forward to improved collaboration to serve our students and families.

Good Friday - March 30th
Spring Break Begins- March 30th - April 8th

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Construction nears for School 16 update

School 16 will transform from a small, wood-frame building to one of the most impressive in the Rochester City School District if all goes according to plans. The architectural planning phase for the school's remodel is mostly complete, says district Chief of Operations Michael Schmidt.
Parents, teachers, and neighbors can now better imagine what the school will look like when the work is finished sometime in 2018. The plans can be viewed on the SW Common Council's website:
School 16, which is in the southwest quadrant of the city at 321 Post Avenue, is part of the second phase of the $1.2 billion Rochester schools modernization program. Plans for the three-story building show a major addition that will house a new gymnasium and performance stage.
The school's old gymnasium will become a library and the old library space will be converted to classroom space. The building's second floor and balcony area will be redesigned to house additional classroom space.
"We've done quite a bit of work," Schmidt says. "We're renovating all of the building space and all mechanical systems will be updated." The school will have new windows, heating, and ventilation and electrical systems. And it will receive a major technology upgrade.
Only some portions of the building in use all school year are being considered for air-conditioning. School 16 doesn't have air-conditioning now.
The school's new gymnasium and performance stage will be designed to allow access without opening the whole school. This would permit some public use of the building for sports or events after school hours.
Schmidt is careful not to call the space a recreation area or community center, since those types of buildings are generally staffed by the city.
The schools modernization program is mostly reimbursed by the state using a formula that places higher priority on spaces that get a lot of student use. A community space like the Ryan Center at School 33, for example, would most likely require additional funding.
School 16 was not originally part of the modernization program, but a group of residents and parents from the city's southwest fought plans to shutter the school.
Former Superintendent Bolgen Vargas wasn't convinced that the cost to renovate the building was a good investment; the school needed significant improvements.
But the neighborhood group says that School 16 is essential to the continued health of neighborhoods, including the historic 19th Ward. They fear that young families won't find the area desirable, despite the strong housing stock, without a neighborhood school.
The renovated School 16 will house pre-k through grade six. The final renovation plan still has to be approved by the state before construction begins.
School 16's students are currently housed at Dr. Freddie Thomas High School on Scio Street. Students are scheduled to return to the updated School 16 building in the fall of 2018.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Immediately following school we swill set tables out and teachers can bring down there displays.

  • The location community displays and hands -on that will have signs on the tables to create the best flow for the evening extravaganza.  Teachers feel free to choose a space that is empty of an agency tag.  Only the 1st floor will be open, from the library hall to the gym.
  • If your classroom is on the 1st floor it makes sense that your display wall space will be near your room.  Wherever you normally display student work unless you specifically requested another area, and then displays can be left up for some time following the event. 
  • The plan is to accommodate everyone and create less work.
  • If you are from the 2nd or 3rd floor you will have a space on the 1st floor.
                                                   John Walton Spencer School No. 16

Project Fair

* No children may attend evening event without an adult.
* Please volunteer one half hour of your time during the event so we can offer hands-on   activities.  There are two sign-up sheets;
1 for Hands-on activities during the event.
1 for Classroom walk-through of the project museum on Friday in the Music room 121.
* We have many community agencies attending our event.
* Since students have school on Friday, wewill return students projects to your room so music can use their classroom for teaching.  , please make sure they are labeled, room number, student name, teacher name.
* Students staying after school must be with an adult at all times.  Please send a note to J. Cowles with these students’ names and I will forward them all to Ms. Roberts.
* The expectation is that every teacher will display students’ work.  It doesn’t need to be large or complicated, simply a reflection of what is happening in your classroom.  Please remember to include the task, standards, rubric, and commentary.
* Thank you for your hard work and for volunteering to run activity areas!!! This
             participation allows us to offer hands-on fun for everyone.

A few ideas to ensure a well attended event:
* Have students make invitations for family and friends.
*Make blue ribbon projects part of the classroom expectations.
*Please encourage individual projects.
*The more quality projects displayed the better the reflection on our teaching and learning family. 

Today Mrs. Cowles will accept projects from 2:00 till 4:00 in the music room 121.   Two announcements will be made to make the flow go easier.  One for 1-3 and another for 4-8.  6th grade students will be sent to the kindergarten to get any projects in shifts.  This area will be set up for classroom viewing on Thursday.  A sign-up sheet went around to choose a time for your class.  It is a great time to see what are students can do, we use our Sourcebooks to take note.
The student project must be labeled with name, teachers name and room number AND have a written explanation. Any questions or concerns 3080 – Joan Cowles

Monday, March 19, 2018

You Can Do It!

Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.
-Rita Pierson

~Please be sure you are reviewing your emails on a weekly basis.  Information about our upcoming 3 - 8 ELA Assessment will be sent out over the course of the next week.
~Please be mindful of the parameters that we have put in place about eating in your classrooms.  
~There shouldn't be any food/eating in the lecture hall at all. 
~We see many staff members working to support our efforts in keeping the noise level down in the hallways and minimizing movement in the halls.  We have noticed students working together in their lines to demonstrate SOAR hallway behavior.  Those "Pots of Gold" are overflowing for many of your classes.  
GREAT JOB, let's keep up the good work!

Classroom Highlights:
~Students in grades K - 2 engaged in a poetry week during Quad A. They also have been learning about nutrition.  They researched and wrote about healthy recipes.  If you see these fabulous School No. 16 students, please ask them about it.


~At School No. 16 we have many Soaring Star Students in music class. Please stop by our "Star Wall" that is located on the first floor in the 7th and 8th grade wing to read the names of the students who have achieved this award. Please congratulate them when you see them.

Important Dates:
March 30th - April 8th Spring Break

April 11th  & 12th - NYS ELA Assessment
April 13th - 18th - NYS ELA Assessments Make - Ups

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Hello Staff,
We would like to give a warm welcome to our new custodian, Mr. Ricardo Berrios.  He has already showed us that he is an asset to our school. Please be sure you follow the protocol and complete a work order for any repairs you need to be completed.

3 - 8 Teachers;
As we approach the upcoming NYS Assessments, please be sure you are reviewing all assessments emails and information that you receive. Please be sure to review the Assessment Calendar that is posted to the right under  the "Assessment Information" section.  Be sure you are aware of all the upcoming assessment dates and do not schedule any guest speakers or field trips during these assessments dates. 

SOAR Staff of the Week:
When you see Mr. Hopkins and Mrs. Marseglia, congratulate them. They were chosen as our SOAR Staff of the month.

      Mr. Hopkins


 Mr. Hopkins is a school counselor  at School No. 16.  He works with students in  6th, 7th and 8th grades. His favorite color is red and he likes to eat Parmesan Chicken. He has 2 cats.  Mr. Hopkins enjoys coaching football.  He has been a coach for 12 years. Thank you Mr. Hopkins for always supporting our staff and students here at School No. 16!           
   Mrs. Marseglia
Mrs. Marseglia is a fourth grade teacher at School No. 16.  Her favorite color is pink and she enjoys eating anything SWEET! She doesn't have any pets and she enjoys being creative. She likes to find ways to inspire students and help them find their passion!   

Important Dates:
March 23rd - Early Dismissal Day
March 30 to April 8th - Spring Break

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Ms. Dix, Ms. White – Spraggins and their students on their successful win of the Black History Month Door Contest.

Great Job!
~Mrs. Garrow

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Below I have posted a link to Zearn Brag Tags that Mrs. Martens shared with me.
We encourage you to use them to celebrate your class Zearn Successes.
Happy Zearning!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

3.4.18 Its March

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Maya Angelou 

I have noticed that some email signatures come with inspirational quotes that may change from time to time. But I promise the quote above will never change in my signature line, as it guides me in how I interact with people. This month of March is a long one, however it offers plenty of opportunities to continue to build, strengthen and even mend relationships. I challenge you to be purposeful in engagement with students and colleagues, making sure that it is remembered positively. 
Dr. St. Louis and the Admin Team

~Thank you to those of you who participated in our "Dr. Seuss" Spirit Week! Staff and students had fun.

~Due to the snow day on Friday, we would like to complete the final day of our Spirit Week.  Friday was a day to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday and we were going to DROP Everything and READ.  We would like to complete our week with our final Dr. Seuss celebration day on March 5th. An email with details will be sent out on Sunday, March 4th.

~Professional Resources Updates from the Deputy Superintendent of Teaching & Learning Dr. Linus Guillory -  As we reflect on the tragic event in Parkland, we continue to say that we must do more to reach our youth and equip them with the skills of being problem solvers and thinkers. Our nation has seen a major movement of youth actively protesting and advocating for our government to take action. March 14 has been identified as a day for students to “walkout” of schools. I encourage you to leverage the many resources at and use this as an opportunity to focus on the learning value while assisting students showing interest to channel that energy towards change. This is an opportunity to help our students find voice. Many students and families across our city plan to participate in or have already joined the emerging movements. It is our duty as educators to help students be empathetic and informed citizens, especially during times like this as they plan to take action in our communities and across our country. The resources are intended to inform you of the event as well as help you as you support students; the tools are provided for you to use in making these moments teachable ones about the power of informed and active citizens. I encourage you to collaborate with your colleagues as schools are working with their student leaders to keep this event focused on learning. 

~Important Dates:
March 5th -  Rescheduled  Date  - “Cat in the Hat” - Hat Day and/or Red and White Day* This is also post celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday so don’t forget your Dr. Seuss gear! 

March 5th - READ ACROSS AMERICA EVENT - School Wide Drop Everything and Read (2:30 - 3:00) 

March 23rd -  Early Dismissal Day